Thursday, July 1, 2010

VICTORY FOR WHALES! Over 1 million people voiced their opinion and we won !Congrats

And also would like to thank all my twiter followers who have signed this historic petition to stop this it would have legalized commercial whale hunting!

Thanks to all of you !

The past few weeks have been incredible -- together we built the biggest whale-saving petition in history, signed by an extraordinary 1.2 million of us, and delivered it directly to key delegates at the International Whaling Commission meeting.

And we've just succeeded in beating a proposal that would have legalised commercial whale hunting!

This is an important victory for whales. But winning this battle won’t guarantee the whales’ safety yet -- Japan is already set to continue killing whales for "scientific" reasons. To win for good, we’ll need to campaign to strengthen and reform the IWC, and to mobilise a progressive public in pro-whaling countries.

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